Free delivery for purchases over €80.00, within Ireland.
A standard €10.00 delivery charge applies for orders placed under €80.00, within Ireland.
Shipping for all orders outside of Ireland will be calculated on a case by case basis.
Please allow 3-5 working days for your order to be dispatched.
Once your order has been received by the MG Catering Equipment team a confirmation of sale will be issued to the registered email address.
An invoice will automatically be generated and issued to the registered email address once your goods have been dispatched.
For any invoice queries please contact info@mgcatering.ie
In the unlikely event that you are unhappy with the condition of your goods, or receive an incorrect shipment, please contact MG Catering Equipment Customer Care team at info@mgcatering.ie or 021 4889966.
Payment will be processed before your goods are dispatched by MG Catering Equipment. Please allow 1 to 3 working days for the purchase amount to be deducted from your bank account.
Your wishlist is a feature that allows you to create and save a list of your favourite products. You can return to your wishlist when logged in to your MG Catering Equipment account to add, amend or purchase products from your list.
In the unlikely event that you are unhappy with the condition of your goods, or receive the incorrect products, please contact MG Catering Equipment Customer Care team at info@mgcatering.ie or call 021 4889966.